Cleator AZ Ghost town
Photos Mike Sinnwell
Wayne’s World – Back to the future, A true story
A viewer writes – It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to check out your web site. Â The wife is talking to me again and she says I can talk to you again as long as I don’t talk about Cleater. Me and the kids are getting along well yet. I see you have others interested in the area. Â Cleater was a great part of the journey. Â Crown King was OK too….maybe a bit civilized but not too bad. Â The rest room facilities were interesting after we left town heading north east and west. (same road) Â we actually met some idiot driving that road. Â Makes you wonder where his brains were. Â Guys like that would probably take the trail west from Mexican Hat to the park too. Â You want to avoid people like that.
I don’t get a chance to visit your site often enough but do enjoy it. Â Makes me lonesome for the mountains though.
Wife is coming…gotta go. Be good……change your ways
A viewer writes – On my back down from Crown King I stopped by the Cleater Bar to see what all the fuss was about. I saw in your site that this place was a ghost town. So I really had to stop by. There was no room to park in front of the Bar. I had to Park about a quarter mile away from the bar. As I walked up to the Bar I could hear music Playing and People hootin Hollaring. I saw Smoke rising in front and as I got closer I could smell the fine odor of meat being cooked over a wood fire. Out front was a band playing and People dancing in the dirt. What a site to be seen. I navagated my way into the bar and was met by the Owner Dave and His Wife Darlene. As I looked around I thought to myself sure is a lot of activity going on around here for a Ghost town. So I asked is this the way it is around here all the time. They smiled and I was filled in that this was a fund raiser for the Cleater water pipe line. They told me that the old pipe line that is used to carry water to the town is on its last leggs and the town did not have the money to get a new one put in so they decided to through one heck of a party and the proceeds would go to the Cleater water line Fund. It was a great time had by all. I took lots of photo’s because if I tried to tell someone what I saw there I am sure that they would not beleive me. If I knew how to insert the photo’s I would do that for your view pleasure. If you are ever going to Crown King make sure you stop by and say hello to Dave and Darlene. My Name is Lyle and I live in Peoria Arizona. E-mail (
A viewer writes – Tuesday, March 02, 2010 — I’ve been through Cleator recently for the first time and it was quite an experience. Not only was it super unique but the people were quite nice as pie. I met Dave and the bartender and they were awesome! They both knew the bar I work at, Cheers, and I plan on stopping in there every time I go to crown King~ Becca, glendale, az
A viewer writes –  Friday, November 19, 2010 – My name is Barry Stubbs, Henderson, Nevada.  In a random internet search for my brother Chris Stubbs today I found his obituary.  He died June 6, 2010, and was referenced as living in Cleator.  I have been searching for him for several years.  He was a country singer and perhaps he was doing so at some time in Cleator; does anyone know of him or his activities there?  Any information will be appreciated, Barry Stubbs
A viewer writes – Saturday August 3rd  2013 – It’s so Great to read about folks Remembering Cleator. In the early to mid 70’s,I was 1 of the 10 Residents listed by Ghost Towns Reports that can be found on Google Search. From 1972 to Early 1976,I rented a Cabin from Tom Cleator. Wow…what a place it was too.
My address (Tom told me) was #1 Thunderbolt Road-for Legal reasons,’ Mail Ain’t Workin’ He told me. It was a 1 room shack with a storage closet, and 1 light bulb hanging from the rafters, on north end of room. I lived there for almost 3 yrs. Sometimes, when the Storms were really Bad, I would spend the nite up on the hill at Mom & Pop’s Cabin, where it was a little farther from the Lightning.
See…There’s a reason they called it (not kiddin) Thunderbolt Road.! Back in Cleators Day, this Road is where they pulled the Ore Trailers from the mines, to the Rail Road Tracks, which is now the Main Rd thru Cleator. Over the Years of the Ore Trailers course, literaly Tons of Metal Ore fell off and fell to the road, and ground in by Horses and Wheels, and when Storms Rolled thru the Bradshaws. This Ore Packed Road, Became…Thunderbolt Road..!
When I told Tom how I was Damned Near Killed Last nite, He would just Smile, and Grumble a Low Giggle, and say…. ‘I Thought you was Tougher’..’Guess your Daddy Lied to Me’ Now.. I always had Great Respect for Tom Cleator, but now, He’s Just Plain Makin Fun of Me…!
We sure had a lot of un-belivable Times in Cleator. That was a time in History, I will never Forget. For a While, I was Known as ‘One of them Cleator Boys’.. From Prescott and Mayor, Rock Springs to Black Canyon City, Crown King and Many points South, North, East & West. Those Years living in TOM CLEATORS World, changed my Life…Forever..!  – A. J. Follette
The true story of Monster —
A viewer writes – Sunday, June 28, 2015 – I visited Cleator in the early 90’s with Jan Cleator.  Jan was one of my very best friends and Tom was her father.  She would be so happy to know that Cleator is still family owned and operating.  Tom was a real character, coming from the middle class Midwest, I have to admit Cleator was a bit of culture shock!  There was probably a small fortune in antiques deteriorating in bars backrooms and other buildings.  At that time I believe Tom was the only resident.  Tom had 3 children:Tom, who died about 24, Jan who passed from cancer at 42, and Jimmy who’s location is unknown to me.  I am thrilled to find your website, I will never forget my visit to Cleator.