Boggsville Colorado


Boggsville Colorado Townsite – Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell September 2009

Yep – Kit Carson spent the last few days of his life here. He and his wife, Josefa, were originally buried in the Gardens behind the large Prower’s house. Kit even had a house here. Josefa was ill when Kit returned from a trip to the nations capital and she died shortly after his return. Less than a month later he passed away. May 23rd 1868.

Boggsville had the first school house and post office in the region and was sometimes called “the Cradle of the Cattle Industry”. Boggsville was even the county seat for a few years. The first settler was Thomas Boggs in 1862. Other groups had used the area prior to his arrival but no permanent settlement had evolved. Thus the name Boggsville. Numerous well known names were connected to Boggsville in a variety of ways. William Bent, his daughter married Boggs, Ceran St Vrain, John Powers, Kit Carson, Lucien Maxwell and the Indian Chief “One Eye” who was killed at Sand Creek.  Don’t forget A.G. Boone a descendant of Daniel Boone or John S. Hough a friend of Kit’s.