Tin Cup Colorado – Cemetery September 2019
Yup there really are that many cemeteries. Even a separate one for the local cook. When I first came to Colorado this is one of the first Ghost Towns I wanted to see. I went from St Elmo over Tincup pass at 12,000 feet in my 78 Dodge RamCharger 4×4 accompanied by my family and a neighbor boy. Special connection for me as in the old cemetery there was a monument to a mail carrier that carried the mail over the snow-covered mountains. It reminded me of my father who was a Rural Mail Carrier in Iowa. When I had a snow day from school, he took me along on his mail route, so he had someone to shovel out the snowdrifts on the country roads. I remember one day when we had to use a crowbar to get the snow and ice removed from the front wheel wells to turn the wheels. I told my wife I want to be buried in the cemetery here. She must decide which one as there are at least four to pick from. Yes they have a Boot Hill, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant and a special spot for Katie Fisher the famous Negro cook of Tincup. I suspect I will end up in Boot Hill.Â
Link to the town of  Tincup Colorado