Garfield Mine Colorado – June 2020
In 1885 the August 7th issue of the Salida Mail mentioned the Garfield mine. “A beautiful specimen of molybdenite was tendered us last week by Albert Worden, from his Garfield mine. The metal is very rare, and no treatment is known for its milling. “
 This article about the mine was published in the Salida Mail, Volume XXVII, Number 20, August 10, 1906
“The Clinton Mining company is operating on the same contact vein that extends through the Taylor Mountain company’s properties and the Alaska claim, owned by the Garfield Mine and Milling company. This property is not as fully developed as the Lilly, but it shows the same iron and silver ore, carrying lead and copper, and has also shipped quite a large tonnage of heavy lead ore (running high in silver, carrying an excess of iron and manganese over silica. There has also been an appreciable showing of gold in the shipments made from this property. The location is what is known as Cree camp, just over the ridge from Taylor gulch. It is a tunnel proposition with about 3,000 feet of development work in sight. There is a very good showing of copper, the ore vein being two and one-half feet thick at the surface and testing eleven per cent, copper. The plan of the company is to cut this vein at a depth of 600 feet and the main tunnel, which now has a length of over 1,100 feet, is being pushed to reach this copper ore. It is the intention of the Clinton company to install power drills just as soon as the Salida Light, Power and Utility company can deliver the power. In addition to this the management plans to do considerable prospecting by means of the diamond drill. “