Hull City Independence Colorado

Hull City Colorado – Independence Colorado Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Joan Sinnwell 2003

And you thought there was only one Independence Colorado. That is the problem with Ghost towns. There are probably more Ghost towns in Colorado named Independence. So far I have discovered only two. Â

This ghost town actually was named Hull City originally, then Macon and finally Independence. Winfield Scott Stratton became a millionaire because of the Independence mine. He is claimed to be the first Cripple Creek area millionaire. Lot’s to see and enjoy in this area including interpretive signs posted along a well maintained walking path throughout the area.

A viewer writes – Friday, November 30, 2012 — I would like to ask anyone who sees this if they remember a solitary saloon from the 1800s somewhere in the Victor / Cripple Creek area.  I saw it back in the 1970’s about 50 yards off the 2 lane road I was on.  Weathered, but standing.  You could still definitely read, “Midway Saloon.”  I would like to know where it is and if it’s still there.  If you have any ideas as to the location and pictures I am at   Thank you so much.