Last Chance Colorado Townsite – Ghost town
Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell September 2009
Not to be confused with the “last Chance” mine in Creede. The Texas Montana trail went through here. One of the photos shows some of the brands. This town grew as the automobile industry grew in the early 19th century and then died off as the interstate 70 bypassed it in the 50’s. Established in 1925 and no official post office but you could stop at the general store and pick up your mail. Some claim it got it’s name because it was the “Last Chance” for food, water, gas, a hotel and a bathroom before you head east out of Colorado towards Kansas. I used the Porta Potty in the rest area.
A viewer writes – Saturday, May 04, 2013 – My grandparents & many of my aunt’s lived in Last Chance, CO. I lived there from 1981-1985 second house south of where the hwy crosses. My grandmother, Verna Price ran the cafe for years. In these pics it was the white building with green trim. Across the street was the church. The Goode family lived there. Just west of the cafe was the only mechanic in town, the Devarent family ran it. The Everhart’s had the gas station/convenience store. Don’t remember who had the hotel, but their son was named Tad. Used to love getting dipped ice cream cones at Dairy King and trying to suck out all the ice cream without breaking the chocolate shell. A couple of my aunt’s worked there when I was in elementary school.
A viewer writes – Wednesday, June 26, 2013 — Hi my name is Pam Black maiden name Wilkins, went to Woodlin High School 76-82 lived out in the wheat lands my neighbor was Mrs. Gilbert loved getting to go to the Dairy King for ice cream went to school with a boy his dad ran a gas station their last names were Grosshans my best friend in the world was Leisa Blake from Woodrow we were inseparable she lives in Denver was looking on Google maps my old homestead burned in the fire last year…sure do miss them days gone by, thanks for the pics brought back memories Pam
Rocky says – The fire started on Monday, June 25, 2012, Â near the small towns of Last Chance and Woodrow. It burned over 45,000 acres. Â At least 23 structures were lost, including five houses. A rather fast burning fire as the fire was declared fully contained on Tuesday evening, June 26. Cause of this fire is thought to be sparks thrown up from an automobile wheel following a tire blowout.
A viewer writes – Friday November 28th, 2014 — My family moved from Arvada Colo to Last Chance in 1949. I was six years old. We lived on the Crab ranch, owned by Mr. Anderson. It was located five miles east and approximately one and a half mile to the south of highway 36. The house was probably built by homesteaders as it was made from grass and mud (sod). A gas station was located on the west side of 71 and 36 intersection. This station was owned by the Woolens. As I remember they came from California. On the east side of 71 and 36 was a small general store. I Do not remember the owners name, but I do recall they had a pet skunk that kept the store mouse free. No other business’s existed. I attended the only school in the Last Chance area. It was a white one room structure located approximately 3 miles east of Last Chance on the north side of 36. Thirteen kids made up the school body. Ranging from first grade to the eighth grade. There was a pot belly wood burning stove located in the middle of the room that provided heat. A few of the older kids rode horses to school, younger ones walked or were brought by their moms. Once a month, my older sister and two younger brothers would all get in the 1950 Chevrolet pick-up and travel the 40 miles to Brush for our monthly supply of groceries. There was no Dairy Queen, my mother would make home made ice cream from snow and ice. Most people living near Last Chance were farmers, raising dry land wheat and sheep. I am proud to have lived in Last Chance at a time when TV’s cell phones and computers were non existent. When we weren’t working, we entertained ourselves by fishing, hunting, making up games and dancing at the nearby Grange. This was a gentler and kinder time when folks helped others when necessary.
On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 11:28 AM Angela McConville  wrote: I would like to contact the person who wrote the article about last chance. Please Angela
Rocky replies – Â I am not sure whom you want to contact as there are numerous entries from visitors on the Last Chance Page. I Â am the one that entered the data for the site but I gathered the data from others. So, a little more information and perhaps I can help. THANKS again. I came across Last Chance as I was a test driver for Roush Industries and they sent me out to the plains of Colorado to test a vehicle.
Angels responds – Thanks Michael, What a fun job you had! My mom moved from that area to southern California, so I am trying to get more info about her time there. Either my grandmother or my aunt ran the diner. The post that mentioned the people from the 50’s would have been about right. I will have to look again at the post. My brother and I went to last chance and a farm that my mom’s family owned in the area. My mom had a boyfriend, actually a fiancé before she ran off with my dad. Being there sure made me know why she would want to leave but I would like more info about people she knew etc… she has passed and never gave us a history.  Angela