

Ancho NM

July 2018

Is it possible? Did this small New Mexico town help rebuild San Francisco?

According to some, Ancho was a big supplier of Bricks to San Francisco after the big earthquake in 1906. The timing is right as Ancho was founded around 1901 when gypsum was discovered nearby. Then they also found good clay for making bricks and the town flourished. The railroad that ran thru there and the depot made it easy to ship goods.

The town lasted until around 1921 when the highway was rerouted away from the town by about two miles. Like many other towns it started to slowly dwindle away. In 1955 the school closed then in 1959 the train station closed, and the Post Office was shutter in 1969.

Even thou it does not stop the train still does run through Ancho. I even got a photo of it.