Hanover New Mexico Townsite – Ghost town
Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell June 2009
The post office is now in a supermarket? Well it has moved at least three times since it first opened in 1892. Mining was mainly Zinc and the big business was the Emerald Zinc mine built during World War one. Â Copper mining also took place here. Much of the mining shut down for good in the 1970’s. Many residence and buildings scattered throughout the trees and lining the Hanover creek bed. It is difficult to tell when you have left Hanover and reached Fierro.
A viewer writes – Monday, February 15, 2010 – Interesting site. My father was born in Hanover New Mexico on Dec. 16, 1923. I have never been their, not sure if their was ever a hospital their, seem like Silver City would be more logical, but Birth Cirt. states Hanover, N M, anybody know or can please advise, would be appreciated, Greg
Rocky writes – You sure he was not born at home? Many of these company towns had some type of medical services available even if it was limited. I suspect in the 1920’s that he may have been born in Hanover even if there was no hospital. Not uncommon for the times.
A viewer writes – Friday, April 23, 2010 – RE: Hanover. Â There was no hospital there. Â The closest hospital in those days (1923) was Santa Rita. Â However, if the birth certificate says born in Hanover then he was born at home.
A viewer writes – Friday, November 05, 2010 – Thank you for the wonderful pictures of Hanover, NM. It brought back a ton of memories as many of these pictures are along the road to my late grandparents property. My grandfather worked as a mechanic in the nearby mines and my father and his siblings grew up in Hanover. As a child I used to spend the summers with my grandparents and since there were really no kids around I spend most of the time roaming my grandfather’s land and climbing up into the mountains to explore the old mine shafts and cable lines that used to bring the ore carts down the mountain. Its been about 10 years since I was last there but it’s nice to see that some of the buildings are still standing. -Tanja (Majalca) James
A viewer writes – Friday, July 15, 2011 — What a treat. Â Grew up in N.M. in the 40s and 50s, played baseball in Santa Rita and went through Hanover more than once including a stop while on a trip to Silver City in the 80s when my wife and I toured many a NM “Ghost town”. Â We have a couple of pint milk bottles from the T & M Dairy in Hanover. Â On the opposite side of the bottle is “T & M Dairy Ice Creak…Delicious …Hits the Spot” with a target and a sherbet glass ice cream. The bottle is dated C42, which means 1942. Â Al Duitman, Cape Coral, Florida.
A viewer writes – Wednesday, January 25, 2012 — Christina and I grew up in Hanover NM in the 1990’s. we raised horses, chickens, sheep, and goats. my grandparents also grew a few crops out there. i used to love walking the trail by my house. the old barn my grandpa built in his earlier years still stands. still go over there in the summers for a good hike.
A viewer wriytes Sunday March 4th, 2012 – Â Hanover – I’m not sure if I’d call it a ghost town, since I lived there less than ten years ago. I’m guessing there were about 60 or so residents then, maybe more. Still, other than the post office, the water association, and a bar, there’s nothing else (though I suppose that’s all you need, eh?). It’s still the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived (and a quick 15-minute drive from Silver City).
A viewer writes – Sunday, June 10, 2012 — I was so astonished to find this page.  From 1967 through the early 70s, my husband worked for New Jersey Zinc Company in Hanover, New Mexico and we lived in one of the company houses up on the hill.  We were there during the time that the New Jersey Zinc mine closed.  During the last few days, as the men were closing everything down, we took a great many picture of the process of closing the mine down for good.  Many years ago, I spoke to someone at the museum in Silver City and they told me that, to their knowledge, there were NO pictures of the NJZ mine as it was closing down.  I sent off copies of my photos to them several years ago.  I still have copies of those photos.  IF there is any possibility that you would be able to use any of those photos for this site, please DO get in touch with me and I would be happy to send a set of copies to you!  I no longer remember the names of many of the people who were in the photos – but it is quite possible that the visitors to your site might recognize some of those folks.  Best to you all, Phyllis in Westminster, Colorado  debj4@dim.com
For some Hanover History and Phyllis’s family background go HERE
A viewer writes – Thursday, May 29, 2014 – My mother and her brothers and sisters were born in Hanover, NM. She was born in 1923. Her name was Lucia Bustos, her father was Bernardo and her mother was Porfidia,the came from Casas Grandes in Mexicop. Â From Hanover they moved to Terrero, and lost touch with the family. Â If you know this family, please contact me at 505-310-5838-Victoria Benavidez
A viewer writes – Tuesday February 17th, 2015 — Hi i am looking for the beehive (whore house) in hanover new mexico. Â will you please tell me where that is located. i am doing a school research project and i wanted to go take picture of it.
Rocky Replies – “I have no knowledge of a “whore” house in Hanover”. Let me know what you discover.
A viewer writes – Sunday April 4,2015 — I really enjoyed the photos and comments on this page.  I live in Bayard (south of Hanover about 5 miles) but I am interested in the Grant County (NM) Mining District history.   I am looking for any photos or additional information on the T & M Dairy in Hanover (Teague & Morrison Dairy) … if you know anything.  Thanks.   Becky Shumway  beckynewmexico@gmail.com
A viewer writes – Sunday April 12, 2015 — One of your viewers was looking for information on the Beehive Bar. It was never a whore house but I’m sure the local people considered it as such as the bar was a VERY rough place. You did not go in there if you were a stranger. Any lady who frequented this bar would have been branded as unsavory by the “goodie-goodiesâ€. The bar was built about 1950 and owned by Emilio Rivera. This was during the hay-day of the underground miners in Hanover, Fierro and Vanadium so they had a large clientele. There is even a story about the “Devil in the Beehive Barâ€. A man was dancing with a beautiful lady in the bar and she turned out to be the devil. In 1968, Emilio transferred his liquor license to the new Tyrone Lounge at Tyrone, NM, where there was more business as the Tyrone mine was booming. I believe the Beehive was torn down about that time. Nothing remains of the old Beehive at the top of Snake Hill, west of Hanover, except the cement foundations and a million bottle caps.  Terry Humble, Bayard, NM