Atlantic City Wyoming


Photos Mike Sinnwell March 2013

Atlantic City Wyoming Ghost Town

Atlantic City did not last long; it was born in 1868 along with the gold strike in South Pass City and died in 1878 when placer gold deposits dwindled beginning in the 1870’s. During that ten year period many miners and part time prospectors populated the town along with the usual “ladies” and card sharks. Everybody was looking to score gold, so the town had many options for leisure and entertainment.  Some came to dig in the dirt for gold and some to dig in other people’s pockets for gold.

There were numerous attempts to revive the town, in 1890 came hydraulic mining, in 1900 the Dexter Mill and the most profitable was the dredging during the depression years.

Today Atlantic City still has its boardwalk, a Church, a general store and numerous original log structures. The sawmill, blacksmith shop, opera house, brewery, and dance hall are all gone but for the memories.